
Contributors and other interested parties are welcome, but should not expect production-ready code and documentation.

There are a bunch of examples included in the demo app, which you can explore and tweak to become familiar with the library.

Use.GPU is still an alpha, but significant parts of its API have already stabilized. Until it reaches 1.0, breaking changes should be expected, but will be documented.

Not all contributions need to be in the main repo. Use.GPU heavily encourages using modules to assemble your solution à la carte. The built-in workbench components are just one way of doing things.

Questions? Join Use.GPU Discord


Here are some projects and initiatives that would be cool to work on:


Web build systems and guides

Use.GPU has mainly been tested on vite and webpack. Other build systems and transpilers are untested or unsupported. New loader plug-ins, and/or guides on how to configure them for a certain target, are most welcome.

Use Cases

Data viz examples

The data-driven geometry components are fully functional, suitable for both technical and mathematical use. Building or replicating common visualizations as examples would help a lot, both to test the library and to figure out what to prioritize.

Shader toy

A shader toy-like environment for WGSL / WebGPU, using the shader linker to do all the hard work. See if you can use the built-in render-to-texture components. RTT hasn't been used for anything really complicated, so this will likely reveal a few blind spots.


Vector map tiles

Basic Mapbox Vector Tiles support exists in @use-gpu/map in alpha form. It can render styled lines and polygons, but no text or markers. This package also needs to be extended to allow control over what is rendered and how.

Release Candidates

RC releases are published on GitLab:

Create an .npmrc with:


Then use versions like 0.13.0-rc.1 in your package.json.

Repo Orientation

The repo is structured as a Yarn Workspace:


  • /examples - Example scaffolds
  • /packages - Main TS packages
  • /public - Assets for demo app
  • /rust - WASM/Rust code


  • /build - Build output (generated)
  • /scripts - Build scripts
  • /test - Integration tests


The repo is a typical TS → JS build, but with additional requirements:

  • Support both ES modules and CommonJS
  • Import .wgsl shaders into TS modules
  • Include a Rust/WASM module (@use-gpu/glyph)

This is why the build process is pretty involved.

During development, the top-level webpack server can build the entire workspace directly from the TS source. This allows for hot-reload. This is the easiest way (yarn dev).

To build the final packages:

  • A single top-level yarn build dispatches a yarn build of each package
  • Each package builds itself in /build/packages/$pkg according to its own package.json
  • This uses the shared build scripts in /scripts:
    • Typescript is compiled to JS in /build/ts/$pkg.
    • Output is copied to /build/packages/$pkg/mjs/ (ESM) + /build/packages/$pkg/cjs/ (CommonJS)
    • The package.json is built from the source, with TS references/exports replaced by JS.


  • @use-gpu/wgsl contains shaders in .wgsl source form. It has a custom build step to generate the matching .d.ts files.