Drawing and animation


Drawing in Use.GPU is different from most other engines: there is no global rendering loop. The app is written as if it only has to produce 1 frame.

The incremental effect system handles the rest, as it will selectively re-run parts of the code when state changes somewhere.

import { Pass } from '@use-gpu/workbench';

// ...
return (

You can place a <Pass> inside your <Canvas>, to set up a rendering pass to the screen. This gathers draw calls from inside and schedules them by type (opaque, transparent, picking, shadow, debug, ...). <Pass> can operate either in classic forward mode (direct rendering), or deferred mode with a so-called GBuffer (lights rendered separately).

These will be drawn into the surrounding RenderContext, which by default comes from the surrounding <Canvas>.

Draw calls will be ordered front-to-back and back-to-front as needed for optimal performance, if tagged with min/max bounds. This is true for any data ingested via the built-in components.


Use.GPU maintains a command queue inside <Queue> which will re-draw the entire canvas whenever any draw call is added, removed or changed. It will also trigger whenever any data source changes. This is all that is needed to produce an interactive app that can re-render on every change.

Nevertheless there is also a FrameContext to provide a classic "per frame" trigger. This is provided by e.g. interactive camera controls such as <OrbitControls>. Components can use the usePerFrame hook as a short-hand to subscribe to the FrameContext. This is only used for outside events, such as viewpoint changes and on-going animation, e.g. to allow uploading of live data.


You only need an explicit loop if you have components that are continuously animated. In that case, the app changes by itself, on a regular schedule.


This component provides an equivalent to requestAnimationFrame() in the browser.

import { Loop } from '@use-gpu/workbench';

// ...
return (

You can wrap anything inside <Loop> to allow it to be re-rendered on demand.

<Loop> provides a FrameContext, as well as a TimeContext with a global synchronized clock for animation.

<Loop> does not run continuously by itself, unless its live prop is also set to true. It only loops if a component inside is animating.


<Loop> provides a LoopContext to allow components to request a new frame.

Components can use the useAnimationFrame hook as a short-hand.


Run a keyframe animation.


import { Animate } from '@use-gpu/workbench';

const keyframes = [
  [0, 10], // 0s - value 10
  [5, 20], // 5s - value 20

// ...
return (
    <Component />

This will animate the size on <Component /> according to the given keyframes.


You can also specify multiple tracks instead of a single prop:

const tracks = {
  size: [
    [0, 10], // 0s - value 10
    [5, 20], // 5s - value 20
  color: [
    [0, [0, 0, 0, 1]], // 0s - value black
    [5, [1, 1, 1, 1]], // 5s - value white

// ...
return (
    <Component />

Render prop

Animate arbitrary components from a single source of truth:

return (
      (value: T) => (<>
        <Component prop={value} />
        <Component prop={value} />
        <Component prop={value} />
return (
      (values: Record<string, T>) => (<>
        <Component prop={values.prop} />
        <Component prop={values.prop} />
        <Component prop={values.prop} />


To render to an off-screen image, set up a render target with <RenderTarget>. It will inherit properties from the main screen, unless overridden:

import { RenderTarget } from '@use-gpu/workbench';

// ...
return (
    {/* RenderContext inside points to texture. */}
      {/* ... */}

For more complex arrangements, you can gather the <RenderTarget> as part of a set and pass it to a RenderToTexture as target instead:

import { RenderToTexture } from '@use-gpu/workbench';

// ...
    <RenderTarget {...} />,
  then={([target]) =>
    <RenderToTexture target={target}>
      {/* Contents rendered to texture */}

To process the resulting texture, use a then prop, e.g. to draw it to the screen:

import type { TextureSource } from '@use-gpu/core';
import { RawFullScreen } from '@use-gpu/workbench';

// ...
return (
      {/* Contents rendered to texture */}
    then={(texture: TextureSource) => {
        <RawFullScreen texture={texture} />