inventory_2 @use-gpu/react

npm install --save @use-gpu/react
yarn add @use-gpu/react


Live - React interface

<HTML> (Live → React)

Embed React content inside Live, to render HTML. Portal from Live to React.

  • container: string | HTMLElement - Containing element (or CSS selector) to render into.
  • children: React.ReactNode - React children to render
import { HTML } from '@use-gpu/react';

// In Live component:
<HTML container={container}>

<LiveCanvas> (React → Live)

Embed Live <canvas> inside React. Portal from React to Live.

  • children: (canvas: HTMLCanvasElement) => LiveElement - Live children to render
import { LiveCanvas } from '@use-gpu/react';
import { WebGPU, AutoCanvas } from '@use-gpu/webgpu';

// In React component:
  (canvas) =>
    // Render Live components here, e.g.
      <AutoCanvas canvas={canvas} />

<Live> (React → Live)

Run bare Live fiber inside React. Portal from React to Live.

  • children: LiveElement - Live root to render
import { Live } from '@use-gpu/react';

const Raw = () => {
  // ...

// In React component:
  <Raw />


Made by Steven Wittens. Part of @use-gpu.
